outfit: bow cords

jcrew bow pants 1jcrew bow pants 3jcrew bow pants 2 jcrew bow pantsCords: JCrews // Top: old JCrew // Sweater: old Target // Flats: JCrew // Watch: Micheal Kors //

These pants make me happy, and finding new fun ways to wear them makes me happier...mainly because when I first got them a lot of people said "okay butt like really how many times are you going to wear them". Well HA people because it's been three times (got them in December) and that is only low because it's been cold and I don't like them with boots. I was looking around the interwebs to gain a little inspiration from how others had worn them and I saw a collage that had them paired with the mustard sweater from JCrew that had the cute little women on it....well I have a mustard sweater sans little women added undershirt! Next time I am thinking royal blue pairings!


{self} project


outfit: flying away in a cape