Things I have learned this Year is my Birthday big 2-5 and I feel like I have learned a lot in the past year! I am going to share some highlights and also some must reads per usual. Some of these things may be a DUH to you but it's always good to remind yourself right?

  1. Do not add someone or allow someone to follow you that you just went on 1 or 2 dates with. Because WTF do you do after you realize you don't like him? Like I still have a guy watching my snaps and stories after two dates and me saying byyyye....awk sorry!
  2. If you want to wear something your roommate thinks looks bad but you feel great in it...WEAR IT!
  3. Even if your heart it telling you that settling seems right and you'll find a way to make it work...listen to your head. Sometimes logic wins over feelings. Which is funny because the person/relationship I am referencing ended because he had no feelings :(
  4. Back to #1, if you do start snapping with a new fling be careful about what you post! My roommate had a guy tell him he didn't think they would get along (after few weeks of texting) because of the things he was putting on his story...sexi selfies ect.
  5. If you are unmarried and without children remind yourself everyday that this is your time to be selfish! You do you girlfriend!!
  6. "Depriving" yourself of [semi average] luxuries (nails, flowers, new clothes, fancy pickles ect.) for a medium amount of time only makes those things so much more special and valuable.
  7. And I do not mean depriving yourself of the food you that burger and chips and candy and then eat kale the next day! hahah
  8. This is something that has saved me a lot of money and calories. I don't eat out alone anymore, it's a waste of money. Eating take out alone at home on a weekday isn't worth it. Save that $$ for a night with friends or at least a Friday night in with a movie...not a Tuesday.

25 Famous Women on Being Aloneimage  


outfit: Fall all White outfit


outfit: Floral Dress with Leather Jacket