Sassy Water

SONY DSCSONY DSC SONY DSC"Sassy Water" it is the new hip thing if you haven't new adopted mom (Mary Logans mom who I am currently living with in NJ) read about it and made it into her own. Originally from the Flat Bellyy Diet books it is used in the jumpstart portion of the program that helps reduce bloating..and boost weight lost. I am not here to say I have lost weight from drinking this water (I wish!) but it has been said to help out the weight loss efforts. I will attest to how great it taste...I drink glassess and glasses of it!Sassy water uses:- 1 whole cucumber sliced up- 1 whole lemon- 1 half a "thing" of ginger, sliced into small pieces. Note: If you aren't using a infuser (like one shows above) you should shred the ginger, but if you do that in a infuser the pieces will leak out into the water.-Mint....Don't use this in mine but the original recipe calls for it. For best results leave it over night in the refrigerator...start drinking up in the morning.Honestly I am not an expert on why infused water is better for you, but it has been making me feel great. 


outfit: monochromatic seafoam flowers


outfit: high waisted player