Outfit: Floral Smock Dress

SONY DSCSONY DSCDress: old H&M // Shoes: Jeffery Campbell // Bag: Joie // Necklace: Elizabeth Lainer Designs // Sunglasses: A Bientot 

Oh this dress, I borrowed it from my friend Irena a few years ago and fell in love. The first time I wore it I paired it with boots and tights but as spring/summer came around I found myself asking her "how the dress was doing?"....I was asking about a dresses state of being and envisioning it with sandals over boots.Odd even for me. Irena quickly caught on that I was also hinting at "hey I feel like you never wear it and should give it to me" and happily passed it on, admitting I would love and wear it much more then she would or even has! The Houston heat did not agree with the sleeves but as all Texans know you are rarely outside and out of AC for more then 15 minutes at a time so I got through the day.


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