Last Minute Valentines DIY


convection heart browniesOf course I ended up in Paper Source the other day minding my own business and  BAM I am leaving with a small craft for my girl friends and co-workers along with a second card for the Mr. Being as last minute as this all is, the craft had to be super quick!! And of course in all of this I also wanted to bake...hence the two gift-able things in this post!  valenties DIY valenties DIYThe brownies are pretty self explanatory but I will give you this one tip: take the brownies out a smidgen before you normally would, not so they are under cooked but on the chewier side. At first this will not be great but once fully cooled down the chewiness will off set the convection hearts for the perfect bite!For the second project, I wanted to give my friends a little something that was low in cost, high in cuteness! These little paper bags are super easy and the stickers are a no brainer! Watch out world I now have extras that will attempt to put on everything!Follow my blog with Bloglovin


outfit: suited up


outfit: Valentines Day