Beauty Chat: 'K-Beauty'

nordstrom K beauty nordstrom K beauty

When I first saw that this months pop in shop @ Nordstrom was K-Beauty I was so excited and curious to what the assortment was going to be! I was slightly overwhelmed and ended up falling for the 'cutest' products! I got the blush (above), a rose water soothing gel and makeup brushes! TBH the rosewater gel is going back- it smells amazing and has a lot of quantity but did not absorb into my skin very well and left me feeling sticky. The blush however is sooo cool, as your squeeze the bottle the bumble gun pink starts coming through the sponge! I love the the pop of pink against my other deeper blushes! The brand is Too Cool For School and is also sold at Sephora!

So sorry for my dry gross fingers...if you did not notice please do not scroll back up :)


happy friday


outfit: spring basics pt1