hump day thoughts

Screen Shot 2013-08-05 at 11.12.54 PMThis picture is from my dear friend Hallies instagram. She had written it in her notebook on a neural normal day and found it a few weeks later when she was having a 'terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day' (please tell me you get that reference) and found it meant more than it did when she originally wrote it. I see "Just Because"....the golden excuse to use when something may have no 'real reason' to why you're doing it but for you it works...'just because'. Like you bought all those clothes 'just because' or you wrote a handwritten letter to an old friend 'just because'. It warrants no questions because it has become to socially accepted that not everything needs a reason.Now I am not always the best at remembering this, often times I believe that everything happens for a reason..even the most mundane things: For example yesterday morning my car key was not turning in the ignotion, I did everything I thought I was suppose to do to help the situation...but I hate situations like that so it resulted in me crying, throwing old triple A cards all over my car until I found the newest one and breathing a little to heavily when the only real repercussions of this were going to be getting the car towed and being a little late for work...AKA in the grand scheme of things not bad at all. But instead of just saying it happen 'because' I said texted my friend Julia saying 'it happen because I hadn't been experiencing much anxiety lately (which I usually do (personal share)) and the world was reminding me of what it's like and to be thankful I wasn't experiencing it as much lately". That is a pretty elaborate explanation to why my car key wouldn't turn....when really I just did not fiddle with the turning wheel enough to help it.Soooo food for thought: How do you use the reason 'just because'? When was the last time you did something 'just because"?


Cucumber Gin Fizz


Outfit: Itty Bitty Polka Dot