Hump Day Thoughts
So I may sound a little rant-ey or a little "shut the F up and get it over it" today but this is a topic that has been bothering me.So I do Pure Barre at least 4 times a week and 3 out of those 4 times I leave feeling upset and unconfident. Not because my legs aren't straight while in the air, not because my ass is literally on vibrate during half the class but because I feel like it's a beauty pageant. Ok maybe beauty pageant isn't the right term...but women my age and older coming in to exercise in full makeup, hair down like they are ready to meet a guy! Where I am there red as a tomato on hot Texas summer day sweating through my Old Navy tee in my non-pure barre socks! [Editors note: As I write this I hear myself sounding ridiculous I admit this] And not matter how great my body feels after the class I still often times leave feeling dare I use the word...ugly? You may have seen my tweet about how women who wear makeup to the gym can go to hell....which is harsh and if you wear makeup to work out I am not judging you, I just don't think we should ever become work out buddies. Now granted I have probably worn makeup to work out before (when I already had it on from the day) and have friends that re-apply before we go to the gym but there is something so fundamentally wrong about waking up...putting on make up... going to the gym...sweating a shit ton...going home to shower and just putting it all back on. Like hello you're just wasting your makeup.It is not about them it is about me and the work out I know I know but there is something so frustrating about it. Because we are all working out to achieve the same goal...a hot bod shouldn't we be feeling great after each work out? Not questioning why I did not take 30 seconds to put on a little under eye so the women next to me may want to be pure barre buddies instead of judging my non lulu outfit?What do you think?