Holiday Donuts
So with the big holidayS (Thankkah) coming up I think I won't be accosted for starting my weekend/holiday blog break on a Tuesday morning, right? I am headed to Houston tomorrow for the rest of the week into the weekend and could not be more excited. Yes, I have spent every Thanksgiving with my family for the past 22 years, but I haven't spent Hanukkah with them since High School. It is not a very big holiday but with everyone having big Christmas celebrations every year I like to make me and my families Hanukkah a little extra special. We used to have these big annual Hanukah parties, my mom would make TONS of latkes and we would have a draddle competition...and as we got older that turned into sneaking the Bailyes into our "mid evening totally normal chocolate milk" and playing spin the draddle up in my room. This year I am hoping for a similar things, haha kidding but latkes, old friends and drinks for sure!
So why the donut picture you ask? Well one they simply look delicious but a few other reasons as well. On Hanukkah you are suppose to eat fried food...cue the donuts! Secondly in the Lunstroth house hold every Saturday morning without fail you can find Shipleys donuts and kolaches! It was one of the many reasons my friends always liked sleeping over at my house and something I always look forward to when I home!
I hope y'all have a great holiday and I will be back with outfit posts and more fun things from the holiday next week!