Happy Friday
I am so excited to kick off the weekend with making my custom bed at the Nashville Peacock Alley store! If you are in town I would love for your to stop by and check it out! It will be on display until the middle of December!
I love learning details about how airlines work operationally because it's something we just trust works!
Love the way Emily wore her Sleepy Jones top with jeans for the most realistic 'PJ trend' outfit !
This Wellness Guide to your 20's is making me feel like I need to step up my game! I have been drinking hot water + apple cider vinegar all week after falling for a sponsored article on FB. I haven't mentioned it anywhere on social because I want to do it for a few weeks, see results and then share with you! It tastes OK but smells like feet and has mainly curved my appetite.
This Fall Cider Cocktail looks AMAZING!