Ghost from NYE Pasts

I have to be that person real quick because all I see in that fur outfit is how damn plump my face is! Okay moving along, clearly I this feather skirt holds a special new years eve place in my heart. I think last years outfit was my favorite, sweater and boots made it a little less oh hot damn girl, you got on a feather skirt!The fun sequin dress in the selfie picture I wore on New Years last year but only ended up going to an early bird dinner and a movie. So, I brought it out again for a Holiday Party last weekend and she was a hit! I have always loved looking through ebay or the outnet for designer pieces that I know the specifics of. Sorry for being MIA around here- kinda needed a mental break and will be refreshed in the new year! Hope you all have a great new years eve!XX 


January Inspiration


Diving into 2018