food for thought this Friday

I am really into "readings" lately and just came across this one that sounds like it's going to be a stupid silly but hits on the head buzz feed article but it was actually really great. So if you have a few minutes read this....or come back to it when you have time. It is 23 things every women should stop doing. Yes it touches on the things we think about on a daily basis but on top of that has insightful new ways at looking at it. I promise I give it my approval meaning it's not a "okay I already knew I should be confident thanks for the great advice".

So I had something written about the current Jewish holiday Yom Kippur...about how asking for your friends forgiveness can be hard. But I decided to take it out because I was worried it was too serious or too religious or too something. But I will say this, think about the people in your life this weekend, appreciate them...and if their is something you wanna say, say it! Clear that air. It will be for the better. Along side of this my fortune in last nights take out was "You identified the issue. Bring attention to it" hmm a little more food for thought!

Okay and  happy weekend!



outfit: little green dress


hump day thoughts.