Biologique Recherche Masque Vivant
My parents went to France a few weeks ago and the only thing I asked was they go to the Biologique Recherche and get me some goodies! My mom is the best did so and brought me back a few things including a sample of the Biologique Recherche Masque Vivant mask. After doing research and using ONCE I ordered the full size! "They," say that if you use two times a week you will never age...I cannot speak to that because that is a big promise but I will say that my skin is straight up glowing and so firm after I use it!BR is not known for having "pretty" products but effective. It is super thick and smells bad but you don't need a lot so this one bottle is going to last me a long time! It is a balancing mask made with Yeast, Cucumber, and Witch Hazel extracts renowned for their skin purifying properties!I have mentioned this before but BR products can be a little harder to come by in the states but the website linked above is super easy to make an account with!