Beauty Talk: Skin Care pt1
Last weekend when my mom was in town we at Nordstrom and I went to my #1 beauty girl, Ginger, for a little help. I told her how frustrated I was with my skins texture and complexion. She said "do you want to try something that is going to change your life and skin?!" . I thought OK Ginger that is a bold ass statement but let's go! She pulled out Dr.Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel Pads and told me how they were developed by a dermatologist blah blah blah. The only things I heard were: make my skin more radiant, improve skin tone & texture and minimize pores. She used the pads on my and even my mom (who couldn't give two shits about fancy skin care) saw a immediate difference! Now the price tag isn't low but I have been using them everyday for a week now and have seen a difference. Because of the acids it contains it does open your pores so you have to use it after removing makeup and before you put on anything serums or lotions. The texture of my skin has improved dramatically and is soooo much softer! I use them every night but you can do it in the AM, PM, once a day, twice a day or how ever many times a week you would like!
The other products that are on current rotation are, Tata Harper Cleanser and many different serum samples. Serums are also something I am new to and now feel are super important, a mixture of reading and usage have brought me to that grand conclusion.
I am kicking around with the idea of a super casual video to show my new skin care regime because I love it so much and really think it works! Thoughts?
SHOP: Tata Harper Cleansar c/o Cosmetic Market // Dr.Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel Pads // Chanel Serum