a non juice detox
So I have started a life detox of the sorts. It started as a challenge from someone but now I have taken it on as my own because I have accepted (challlllennngeeee accceppppted- in a Barney Sinson voice) and have come to terms with it. I am not shopping for the next 6 months, excluding accessories. Because lets be real I need one thing that I can treat myself too every once in a while...going cold turkey never works in addiction treatment, trust me I was a psychology major. Not that I am saying I was or am addicted to shopping but I am not the most fiscally responsible person and that does not fly too much post grad, unless I want to move back into my parents house and be "that kid".
So what does a fashion blogger not shopping mean for her fashion blog? That you will see repeats, not repeated outfits but a lot of great pieces re-styled. Being able to wear a piece many different ways is the number one requirement I have when I shop; so now it is really going to be put to the test. I in no way hope to bore you but inspire you on how to wear things you may already have but not thought about for a while, how to wear that shag jacket again for the 4th time even though people call you a mop! Oh and TONS of similar items for you to shop!
What do you think? Should I series this as well? Confessions of a non shopping blogger? I may every so often just to get it out, share with you the hardships (ha brat alert) of not shopping but then hopefully what I have learned from it.