a little crush
Okay I literally have no right to be posting about a wedding. In the sense that I not planning a wedding nor getting married any time
soon plan-able future. But like many girls women I loooove looking at wedding pictures, watching wedding videos and reading how people met! It is addicting..last night Mary Logan and I found ourselves watching many wedding videos, mostly of bloggers...Because it feels less like a total stranger, just a stranger you think you are friends with because you cyber stalk them daily and know their whole life history (c/o those night you read their entire about me and every link that says "more about that in a post here".So as ML and I were watching these videos she asked 'wait where is that wedding you told me you saw pictures of and were like obsessed?" Oh you mean Lacey's Wedding? The wedding I looked at pictures of over and over, sending them to my friend in DC...because like they both live in DC so naturally Irena would also want to see it. That makes no sense Emily. {Note: She did actually enjoy it, and that is why I am friends with her.} A picture says a thousand words and these pictures say "I am having one hell of a good time, because hey I just married the love of my life ..and I have not one but two amazing dresses..and my hair is perfect...feathers and all!!" Like the girl changed into a party dress and a her new monogram name plate necklace! What a stinking adorable idea is that!Okay I am going to stop being a creep now...but please share your favorite wedding blog or video so I can continue on this weirdness!